perm filename GEOM2[3,BGB]1 blob sn#115077 filedate 1974-08-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	{⊂C<NF3αGEOMED.λ30P38I100,0JUFA}
C00006 00003	
C00012 00004	
C00018 00005		<Homogeneous Coordinates>.  The Euclidean routines  involving
C00024 00006		<Metric Routines>. Given  one or several  geometric entities,
C00030 00007	⊂3.4	Image Synthesis: Perspective Projection and Clipping.⊃
C00034 00008	
C00037 00009	⊂3.5	Image Analysis: Interface to CRE.⊃
C00039 ENDMK
⊂3.3	Euclidean Routines.⊃

	The Euclidean routines of GEOMED fall roughly into four groups:
transformations,   metrics,  tram routines  and space simulators. The
Euclidean transformations are  translation,   rotation, dilation  and
reflection (following Klein's Erlangen Program,  1872); the Euclidean
metric  routines  compute distances,    angles,   areas,  volumes and
inertia tensors; the tram  routines create or alter tram  nodes which
are the main  topic of this sub section; the  final group of routines
perform  spatial   simulations  such   as  collision,   intersection,
propinquity, occupancy and occultation.

	<Tram  Nodes>. A  tram  node  contains twelve  real  numbers;
fundamental  to all the Euclidean  routines is the  curious fact that
tram nodes have two  interpretations: they may represent a  coordinate
system  or  they may  represent  a  Euclidean transformation.  ~As  a
coordinate  system~,   the twelve numbers  contain a  location of the
origin of the  coordinate system as well  as the three components  of
each of the three unit vectors of the axes of the coordinate system.
~As a transformation~, the  application of a tram node to  a vertex is
defined  by the  procedure named SCREW, given below.{
~Tram as a Coordinate System:~ {I∂0,540;} <Tram Node Data Field Names>
	location of origin of coordinates:	XWC,	YWC,	ZWC,	LOCATION VECTOR.
	components of X-axis unit vector:	IX,	IY,	IZ,
	components of Y-axis unit vector:	JX,	JY,	JZ,	ORIENTATION MATRIX.
	components of Z-axis unit vector:	KX,	KY,	KZ.{T-1;}
~Tram as a Transformation:~{W100;JAF3}
	X ← XWC(V);	Y ← YWC(V);	Z ← ZWC(V);
	XWC(V) ← X*IX(Q) + Y*JX(Q) + Z*KX(Q) + XWC(Q);
	YWC(V) ← X*IY(Q) + Y*JY(Q) + Z*KY(Q) + YWC(Q);
	ZWC(V) ← X*IZ(Q) + Y*JZ(Q) + Z*KZ(Q) + ZWC(Q);

\Generalizing, the  procedure APTRAM(ENTITY,TRAM) applies a tram  to an
arbitrary entity.  The APTRAM procedure is  formed by surrounding the
SCREW  procedure with  suitable  type  checking  and  data  structure
tracing mechanisms so that a tram  can be applied (postfix) to almost
anything: bodies, faces, edges,  vertices, as well as to other trams,
camera models and window nodes.{Q}
{I130,0;}	To repeat for emphasis, a tram  node has two interpretations;
a  tram node may  be interpreted as  a coodinate system  and the very
same tram node may be interpreted as a Euclidean transformation.  Now
one  source of  confusion,  is that  a coordinate  system  tram is  a
definition of  one coordiate system (call it the body coordinates) in
term of another  coordinate system (call  it the world  coordinates).
The application of a body coordinate system tram to an entity in body
coordinates brings the entity down  into the world coordinate  system
in which the tram is defined. To say it another way, the rule is that
APTRAM(BODY,TRAM)   converts   from   body   coordinates   to   world
coordinates,    whereas   APTRAM(BODY,INTRAM(TRAM))  converts   world
coordinates to body coordinates. The  procedure INTRAM inverts a tram
node  in the manner  given below. As  alluded to in  example #2, body
nodes carry a pointer to a tram defining a system of body coordinates
so that  Euclidean transformtion can be relocated,  that is performed
relative to convenient sets of axes and origins.{W250;λ10;JAF3}
	X ← XWC(Q);	Y ← YWC(Q);	Z ← ZWC(Q);
	XWC(Q) ← -(X*IX(Q) + Y*IY(Q) + Z*IZ(Q));
	YWC(Q) ← -(X*JX(Q) + Y*JY(Q) + Z*JZ(Q));
	ZWC(Q) ← -(X*KX(Q) + Y*KY(Q) + Z*KZ(Q));
	IY(Q) ↔ JX(Q);	IZ(Q) ↔ KX(Q);	JZ(Q) ↔ KY(Q);
	Pragmatically, the creation, relocation and  application of a
tram  node  are  invoked all  at  once  by  an appropriate  Euclidean
transformation routine. The transformation routines are listed in box
3.2 with  APTRAM and  INTRAM.   As a further  pragmatic device,   the
first  argument  of  the Euclideans  is  "microcoded"  using  the XWD
notation  which packs  two  links  into  one word.    The  expression
XWD(A,B)  is equivalent to  the expression  (A*2↑18 + (B  MOD 2↑18)),
where A and  B are positive  integers. When the  entity of the  first
argument  of the  Euclidean  routines  is zero,  the  transformations
create and return  a tram node; when the entity of the first argument
is not  zero,  the transformation  create a  tram,  apply it  to  the
entity,  kill  the tram node and  return the entity.   When the first
argument carries a tram as well as an entity (using the XWD notation)
the desired transformation (or creation) is done with  respect to the
coordinate  system  defined  in the  given  tram,    (this is  called
coordinate relocation).  When the first argument is negative the body
coordiates  tram  is  retrieved  and  used   for  relocation  of  the
transformation.  Most  bodies carry a tram pointer (in the link field
named TRAM) which defines body coordinates; the body coordinates of a
face, edge or  vertex is taken as  the TRAM of the BGET  of the face,
edge  or body; a  zero TRAM link  is mapped into  a zero translation,
unit rotation matrix tram by all the Euclidean routines. Finally, the
actual transformation  is specified by  three giving components  of a
vector; the meaning  of a  translation vector is  obvious,   rotation
vectors are explained in a subsequent paragraph and a scale vector is
a triple  of factors which are multiplied  into the components of all
the vertices of an entity with respect to the axes of transformation.
Reflections are specified as negative shrinks; a reflection
on one or three axes will evert a body's surface orientation.
	There are numerous ways to create and  alter a tram node; box
3.3 list further  tram routines. The MKTRAM routine simply returns an
identity tram with zero translation and zero rotation (that is a unit
rotation matrix).  The MKTRMA routine  creates a tram from  the Euler
angles pan,  tilt and swing (developed in detail starting on page 107
of [Goldstein]).  The Euler  angles  come conveniently  close to  the
rotation degrees of freedom  of automatic camera mounts, but unlike a
rotation vector  the Euler  angles  are undesirably  discontinous  at
zenith and nadir.{|;λ10;T200,700;JAFA}
BOX 3.3 {JC} TRAM ROUTINES {I∂15,0;}
	TRAM ← MKTRAM;	Returns an identity tram.
	TRAM ← MKTRMA(PAN,TILT,SWING);	Makes a tram from Euler angles.
	TRAM ← MKTRMF(FACE);	Makes a tram from a Face.
	TRAM ← MKTRME(EDGE);	Makes a tram from an Edge.
	TRAM ← MKTRMV(WX,WY,WZ);	Makes a tram from a rotation vector.
	TRAM ← NORM(TRAM);	Normalization to unit vectors.
	TRAM ← ORTHO1(TRAM);	Orthogonalize by worst case.
	TRAM ← ORTHO2(TRAM);	Orthogonalize by two cross products:
		 K ← (I CROSS J) and J ← (K CROSS I).
	<The Rotation  Matrix>. The nine  elements named IX,  IY, IZ,
JX,  JY, JZ, KX,  KY and  KZ form what  is know  as a three  by three
rotation  matrix.  By  virtue  of  the  definition  of  rigid  object
rotation, the  tram rotation  matrix must be  maintained orthonormal.
(The  trams created by SHRINK  are tolerated as  a special case which
are not considered to be rigid rotations). Orthonormality is maintain
with  the aided of  three routines:  NORM(TRAM) which  normalizes the
rows vectors of a  tram rotation matrix;  ORTHO1 which orgonalizes  a
rotation matrix  by comparing the  sums of pairs  of dot  products of
pairs of the three  unit vectors; the unit vector that is most out of
allignment is recomputed by  crossing the other two (ORTHO1  performs
its  check  twice   and  then  exits);  and   ORTHO2,  which  coerces
orthogonality by  setting row vector K to the cross product of rows I
and J followed setting  row vector J to  the cross product of  rows K
and I.

	<The Rotation Vector>. All 3-D rotations  can be expressed as
a  vector where  the direction  of the vector  specifies the  axis of
rotation and where the magnitude  of the vector specifies the  amount
of rotation in radians.  Given such a rotation vector WX, WY, WZ with
direction  cosines CX,  CY, CZ and magnitude  W in radians; let CW be
cosine(W) and SW be sine(W)  and define a function called  SIGN which
returns positive or negative one depending on whether its argument is
positive or negative; then the relation between a rotation matrix and
a rotation vector can be listed:{λ10;T10,430,850;JA;FA}
~Rotation vector to Rotation matrix:~
	IX = (1-CW)*CX*CX + CW	IY = (1-CW)*CY*CX + CZ*SW	IZ = (1-CW)*CZ*CX - CY*SW
	JX = (1-CW)*CX*CY - CZ*SW	JY = (1-CW)*CY*CY + CW	JZ = (1-CW)*CZ*CY + CX*SW
	KX = (1-CW)*CX*CZ + CY*SW	KY = (1-CW)*CY*CZ - CX*SW	KZ = (1-CW)*CZ*CZ + CW{
~Rotation matrix to Rotation vector:~
	WZ	=	SIGN(IY-JX)*ACOS(0.5*(IX+JY+KZ-1))*SQRT(-IX-JY+KZ)/(3-IX-JY-KZ));{

	<Homogeneous Coordinates>.  The Euclidean routines  involving
trams  could  be   written  out  in  terms  of  the  4-D  homogeneous
coordinates frequently  found in  computer graphics,  by suffixing  a
column to each tram and a fourth component to each vertex.{λ10;I∂-10,0;
	{I∂18,∂0;}TRAM4D ={I∂-18,∂0;}	0	IX	IY	IZ
		0	JX	JY	JZ
		0	KX	KY	KZ{λ30;T-1;JUFA}
\I did not use homogeneous coordinates in GEOMED  for three  reasons:
first, the computer at hand, (a PDP-10) has floating point arithmetic
hardware so that homogeneous components were not need  for  numerical
scaling;  second,    the  homogeneous  representation  requires  more
coordinates  per vertex  and more  multiplications per transformation
than the GEOMED representation;  and third, my intuition  is stronger
in  affine  metric geometry  than  it  is  in homogeneous  projective

	<Elements of  Confusion,   Convention and  Craft.> There  are
many   of  mathematical   approachs  to  rotation,   translation  and
projection among  which a  computer geometer  must distinguish:  (i).
matrix   vs.     algebraic   notation;  (ii).   postfix  vs.   prefix
transformation application; (iii). row vs. column vertices; (iv). 4-D
homogeneous vs.  3-D  affine coordinates;  (v).  rotation vector  vs.
Euler angles and  so on. At the moment,   I favor algebraic notation,
postfix transformations, row vertices,  3-D coordinates and  rotation
specification by vector; there probably  isn't any completely natural
or superior system of conventions.

	In GEOMED, tram nodes were until recently called frame nodes,
however I wish  to abandoned all  use of the  word <frame> for  three
reasons:  first, the  term is  ambiguous and  over used  (even within
graphics  alone); second,   the term  does not include  the notion of
transformation; and third,  the term risks confusion (or association)
with the connotations of [Minsky] and [Winograd].  the connotation of
a <Frame System> as  a modular mental  universe of stereotyped  world
situations.  In geometric modeling,  the word <frame> can be replaced
in  all  three of  its  usual graphics  applications:  the  <frame of
reference> or <coordinate frame> is  now a <coordinate system>,   the
<frame> of a movie  film is now an <image>, the  <frame> of a display
screen is now a <window> or <border>.

	<Metric Routines>. Given  one or several  geometric entities,
the  Euclidean  metric routines  listed  in box  3.5  compute length,
area,  volume,   angle or  moments of  inertia. The DISTANCE  routine
computes the distance  between two anythings in  a reasonable manner;
the  measure routine  returns the volume,  area or  length of bodies,
faces  or edges  respectively  (by  a pragmatic  argument  hack,  the
measure of  a negative body is  its surface area).  The ANGLE routine
computes the angle between two  entities by returning the arc  cosine
of  the  normalize  inner  product  of   two  vectors:  vertices  are
interpreted  as vectors  from the  origin of the  body in  which they
belong, edge are vectors from their NVT to their PVT, faces are taken
as  their normal  vector and  bodies are  represented by  the K  unit
vector  of their  body coordinates tram;  trams and  cameras also are
mapped into K unit vectors.{|;λ10;JAFA}
BOX 3.5 {JC} METRIC ROUTINES {I∂15,0;T200,400,600;}
\Whereas the arc cosine function determines  returns an angular value
between  zero and pi;  the routines ANGL3V,   ANGLCW  and ANGLCCW are
employ the arc tangent to return an angular value between negative pi
and positive  pi.   The ANGL3V  return the  angle between  the vector
(V3-V2)  and (V2-V1), the  ANGLCW(E) returns the angle  between E and
PCW(E), ANGLCW(-E)  returns arctan  of  E and  NCW, likewise  ANGLCCW
returns values for E and PCCW  or E and NCCW. The DETERM of a tram is
the determinate of  the rotation  matrix of a  tram.   Finally,   the
INERTIA of a body is a sixtuplet: MXX, MYY, MZZ, PXY, PXZ, PYZ packed
into the  first six words of a node  and representing the moments and
products of the  intertia tensor  of a polyhedron  of uniform  (unit)
density associated with the given body. The inertia routine takes the
liberty  of   updating  the  origin  of  the  bodies  coordinates  to
correspond to the center of  mass and to orient the K unit  vector of
the body parallel to the principal axis.

	<Spatial Simulation>. The grand Euclidean space routines performing
occultation and intersection are explicated in chapters four and five
respectively. The petite space routines, listed in box 3.6, perform
propinquity, collision detection and spatial compare.{|;λ10;JAFA}
BOX 3.6 {JC} SPACE ROUTINES {I∂15,0;T200,400,600,800;}
\The MKBUCK routine returns a hexahedron that buckets the given body.
The  COMPFE compares a face  and an edge in  3-D for intersection, if
the arguments  aredisjoint then zero  is returned,  if the  arguments
intersect then  the edge is split  and the new vertex  is position at
the  locus where  the edge  pierces the  face. The  COMPEE determines
whether two edges cross in  a given persepctive view. The  within 2-D
routine, WITH2D,  determines whether a vertex appears  to be interior
to a  given face  in a  perspective view  and the  WITH3D  determines
whether a  given vertex  falls interior to  a body  in 3-D. Tee  last
space routine compares  all the vertices and faces of two objects for
propinquity within an epsilson  as well as all  the edges of the  two
objects. Temporary  collision pointers are left  between vertices and
the  nearest  alein  collision  face  as  well  as between  temporary
collision vertices formed when  two edges fall within an  epsilon and
are split.

⊂3.4	Image Synthesis: Perspective Projection and Clipping.⊃

	Image synthesis is the process of generating various kinds of
images: vector display,  video, contour map or mosaic. Independent of
the  final image  representation  the  process  always  requires  the
Euclidean  operations of  perspective  projection  and clipping.  The
perspective projection takes the 3-D world locus of every potentially
visible vertex  and computes  a  3-D camera  center coordinate  locus
followed by  a perspective projection  in the fashion  illustrated in
the PROJECT procedure given below.{λ10;W100;JAF3;}
	X ← XWC(V) - XWC(TRM);
	Y ← YWC(V) - YWC(TRM);
	Z ← ZWC(V) - ZWC(TRM);
COMMENT NOTA BENE: ZPP(V) is positive when vertex is in view of camera ! ;

{λ30;JUFA}\The perspective projection transformation is  a 3-D
to  3-D  mapping; the  third  component, ZPP, allows  the  hidden line
eliminator to perform orthographic depth comparisons. The
perspective  projection is  quite  literally taking  the whole  world
model  and crushing it  into a  slanty space between  the camera lens
center and the camera focal  plane. The camera scales are  defined in
terms of  the ficticious 3-D pixel  dimensions PDX, PDY,  PDZ and the
physical camera focal plane distance, FOCAL. The pixel dimensions are
arbitrarily defined as PDY=PDZ=40 microns and  PDX=AR*PDY where AR is
the  aspect ratio  of the  camera; the aspect  ratio can  be directly
measured by taking the ratio of the width to height of the image of a
large black sphere  on a white background, AR is  usually almost one.
The  focal plane distance is typically  between 10 and 50 millimeters
and is derived by definition  from the focal ratio, FR, which  can be
measured as explained in chapter nine.
	The term  clipping refers to  the process of  computing which
parts of  the world model are in view of  the camera. In GEOMED there
are several clipper routines: one for fast transparent refresh, three
for hidden line elimination and one more for clipping the contents of
2-D  display windows that  may be scrolled about.   Three dimensional
clipping can be  factored into  a Z-clipper and  an XY-clipper.   The
Z-clip determines which portions of  the model are in the visible 3-D
halfspace; this is finally done by similar triangles to find  compute
where an  edge pierces the  image plane  which separates the  visible
halfspace  from  the  halfspce that  is  out  of  sight. The  XY-clip
determines which portion of a 2-D perspective edge is within  a given
2-D rectangular window  (with sides parallel to  the coordiate axes).
The  XY-clip  is  done  by  first  applying  an  easy outsider  test:
endpoints of  edge both  below,   above,   left or  right of  window;
followed by an  easy insider test: endpoints of  edge both inside the
window; followed by the  evaluation of four  polynomials of the  form
A*X+B*Y+C where A,B,C are the edge coefficents  and X,Y are the locus
of corners of  the clip window. If all four polynomials have the same
sign the edge  is a hard  outsider, otherwise  the intersection of  a
side of  the window  and the  edge can  be detected  from alternating
signs  and  the locus  of  intersect can  be computed  from  the edge

⊂3.5	Image Analysis: Interface to CRE.⊃

	Although there are  no actual honest image  analysis routines
currently implemented in GEOMED,  the internal GEOMED environment was
designed for image based model synthesis and model  verification. The
routine INCRE(FILENAME)  inputs from  DSK file  a CRE  node structure
that consists  of a film of contour images, contour images consist of
levels,  levels consist of polygons and polygons  consist of vectors.
In  GEOMED,  the CRE  polygons  become  two-face  lamina bodies;  the
contour levels hierarcy becomes parts tree structure; and a new  kind
of GEOMED node called an image is introduced.

	The root  of the GEOMED  data structure  is a universe  node,
which is  the head of a ring of world  nodes. World nodes have a ring
of body nodes  and a ring  of camera nodes  each camera represents  a
physical camera so  that there might be at most  three or four camera
nodes.  Each camera  has  two rings  of images:  a ring  of perceived
images and corresponding  simulated images. The perceived  image ring
is created  by INCRE and the  simulated image ring is  created by the
hidden  line  eliminator,  thus  providing  a  environment  for   the
development of polygon based image analysis.